Sunday, 5 December 2004

Circuits At Gamston

Flying Hours Today 2:25, Total 13:50

The weather was so good this morning that I didn't even bother to phone the flying school to check if the lesson was on. I set off fully expecting to get into the cockpit once again, and if the weather was too bad then I would always be able to sit an exam - Flight Performance & Planning would be a good one for today. I haven't completed the PPL Confuser questions for Aircraft General so I'll leave that for another day.

And the weather was good, so we decided to head to Gamston (Retford) (EGNE) for circuit training. The call to the airfield confirmed they were ready to accept us but that we had to be aware that gliding to the south and west of the airfield was taking place so circuits would strictly be left hand and pilots were to be very aware of other traffic.

I booked us out with Leeds ATC for a "land away". En route for 30 minutes, exiting the zone via Dewsbury VRP, duration of 4 hours.

Out to G-BODD to perform the pre-flight checks. I noted that the anti-collision beacons were not functioning - something to note in the technical log on return.

Then a short taxi to holding at L1 via G for R32. Power checks at the holding point then out onto the runway and cleared for take off. A left turn this time as we were heading for Dewsbury.

Flying over the Owlcotes centre, the M621/M62 junction, Ikea etc. maintaining altitude below 2000ft. The instructor set up the radio nav aids to lock onto the Gamston VOR.

By the time we had the radial set we had left the zone and transferred to Waddington ATC, climbing to 3000ft to just skim the top of a cloud bank. Occasionally clipping some of the wisps of cloud causing slight turbulence due to the difference in air density when the air contains the less dense water vapour.
The sun was directly in our field of vision as we maintained our heading for Gamston, as the DME equipment indicated about 16nm to our destination we saw a large gap in the clouds and flew through it down to around 1800ft and back to true VFR conditions. We identified power stations and lakes north of Retford and then made the call to Gamston A/G (Air / Ground Radio) requesting Airfield Information. Runway 21 was in use for left hand circuits, wind calm. The windsock was vertically downwards - about as calm as it is possible to be.

A smooth approach, making the call for final then closer and closer to the "21" runway numbers. Power fully off, pull back, then a thump as we touched down.

Quite a hard landing but acceptable for only my second ever. I was also surprised as how the runway slope became much more apparent at touch down, from the threshold the runway curves upwards before becoming level. We taxyed to a parking spot then reported in to the Control room and took time out for a cup of tea.

It would appear that cups of tea are the staple drink for aviators! It looked as if Leeds Flying School was having an away day at Gamston, all three aircraft that I have flown were in attendance: G-BODD, G-LFSJ, G-LFSK.

There were also many other light aircraft including Diamondstars, private jets, R22 helicopters etc. You could describe Gamston as being like the Heathrow of General Aviation. Small aircraft parked and hangared in every available spot, and lots of aircraft movements.

After the break it was back to G-BODD for checks then taxy out on Bravo. Completed the power checks then backtrack down R21, followed by another light aircraft, we turned and took off for the circuit. Following the standard procedures that I had learned some weeks earlier at Full Sutton.

Except this time there was much more traffic to watch out for: gliders being towed to our right, slower Cessnas in the circuit, other students taking wider or longer circuit paths, other aircraft on approach into Gamston - busy busy busy!

On one approach we did have to make a go-around because the runway was too congested. All good experience as the purpose of the circuits is to practice the approach and landings. We did six landings, after the first two I was managing to do them without instruction although still a bit too heavy. I must also remember to keep the wings level when on the runway - steer the aircraft with the rudder only. By the fifth landing I was getting the hang of this too.

The circuit was getting busy and we were having to take wider and slower paths. To make use of this time the instructor demonstrated how to get the aircraft into the ideal glide profile in the event of power loss. Immediately put the nose down and look for 80kts of airspeed. We also looked for suitable emergency landing fields.
Eventually time was up and after our final touch-and-go we left the circuit and headed back to Leeds. We used the Gamston radial to head back to the Dewsbury VRP. The weather was excellent by now, the cloud of our outbound leg had cleared and there was only the usual haze in the sky. We tracked back on the radial but made use of our chart and looking outside for visual cues.

It was easy to spot Doncaster, Barnsley hospital and the M1 motorway, service stations, gas venting stations, power stations etc. etc.

Looking on the chart we could see that Dewsbury is to the right (East) of the Pennine hills and also located Emley Moor TV mast. There is also a canal, a river, and a railway line to look out for. Emley Moor TV mast came into view first, then we followed the profile of the hills and directly ahead, glinting in the sunshine, was the canal - very obvious by its straightness.

We also located a large water tower on the right. The VRP of Dewsbury is between the water tower and Emley Moor. To close down the VRP more precisely there is a row of industrial warehouses. One of these is painted red around the roof - a B&Q warehouse.

Once this is located you are pretty much at Dewsbury. The railway station is the true VRP but it is difficult to spot in all weathers. By now we had left Waddington ATC and were back with Leeds Approach. We got permission to enter the zone and headed due north which took us towards the M621/M62 junction, with Elland Road stadium on our right. The airfield came into view at our 11 o'clock and we were lined up to land after a twin-prop.

To slow the approach we turned right towards Eccup then left again to line up with R27. The wind at 270, a direct head wind. Causing slight turbulence as we made the approach. Another good approach though and before I knew it I was on the ground. I noted that we were in the approach as we waited for the aircraft ahead to exit the runway - at this time we were still not cleared to land and had to wait approval from ATC before we knew we could complete the approach.
The instructor is very good at remembering what we have or have not been given permission to do, I guess that over time this will become more obvious to me as my R/T improves.

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